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CapNY Essentials: A Guide to Black-Owned Businesses and Black-Led Organizations

Support 200+ Capital Region Black-owned business and black-led organizations by shopping, hiring, posting, contributing funds, volunteering, and learning more about what they do. Click on the map, below, and you’ll find restaurants, moving companies, marketing and creative firms, artists, transportation services, and much more. This list is far from complete, and you can help develop it! Use this form to add businesses.

Shout out to Shanekia McIntosh of ItheAbstract, Ashleigh Kinsey of AKDesign, and Ada Harper of 5!8BLK for their help creating this list.


Updated on January 2, 2021


NOTES: Click on the square in the upper right to open a larger version of the map.

When you’re in the larger map, you can see a list of all of the businesses by clicking on the text that says “…X more” (to the left of the map graphic). Business names will appear, and you can click to get its information and location.

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Header Photo: Mission Accomplished Transition Services

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