You may have noticed that at ACE! we like to cover writers. This month is a special treat as I got to chat a bit about what it’s like to be in the universe of comics and film with Ryan Little who works on a couple of different series for Marvel Studios. Ryan will be in town for the upcoming 1UpState Video Game Conference so it seemed like a good time to catch up and get some tips how young aspiring writers can break into the biz.

Please state your name, where you are from and profession / title. Tell us a bit about what you do.
I’m Ryan Little, a TV and comic writer from the small town of Easton, Pennsylvania. In the last five years, I’ve written 21 episodes of TV for Marvel Studios. I co-created the series ‘I Am Groot‘, serving as the Story Editor for both seasons, and wrote on ‘What If‘ Seasons 2 and 3. Most notably, I was tapped to create an entirely new section of the Marvel Cinematic Universe which introduces the indigenous hero, Kahhori. In the graphic novel space, I’ve run 31 successful Kickstarters that have grossed over $100K in sales and shipped to 33 countries globally. This October, my title Super Scouts is arriving to brick and mortar shops via CEX.

A lot of writers would love to be doing what you are doing. How did you get into this profession, what was the path for you?
I have bad news. I didn’t catch lightning in a bottle or write that one glorious script that cracked open the doors of Hollywood. I did things the long, slow, hard way. I got my foot in the door as an unpaid intern and spent the next year climbing the ladder. My advice? Most folks I meet in LA writing circles aren’t willing to do the long hard road. And most of them never break in. If you want to be a write, get in the mix and take any job that moves you closer to the creative work you want to be doing.

Can you give us some highlights, interesting projects you have worked on. Any favorites?
I’m immensely proud of the ten I Am Groot shorts I made for Disney+. They’re just some quality sci-fi fun. My proudest work, however, is creating Kahhori and a whole new corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe filled with indigenous heroes which will be debuting in ‘What If’ Season 2.

Any projects that you are especially jazzed about or can give us an inside peek on coming down the pike?
I can’t wait for everyone to see my episodes in What If Seasons 2 and 3. I’m also always putting out new graphic novels through my imprint, Plastic Sword Press.
On Saturday, October 21 (2023) I will be making an appearance in person speaking at the 1UpState Gaming Conference in Albany, NY at the Albany Capital Center. Hope to see you there!
EDITORS NOTE: Click Here To Purchase Tickets to the 1UpState Gaming Conference. ACE! will be there!